best practices for Security/Privacy/etc. considerations sections [I18N-ACTION-970]

Hello TAG,

I was actioned [1] by the I18N WG to ask about the security’s and privacy’s use of “XXX considerations” sections in specs. The background here is that internationalization is thinking about when and whether it makes sense to have “internationalization considerations” as a separate section in a spec. In most cases we have historically preferred not to create these, but there may be cases where it makes sense.

We’d be interested to know TAG’s experience with the creation, review, and maintenance of special considerations sections when they appear in specs. Do you have any learnings that would be helpful to us?

Please feel free to forward this to chairs or groups that might have an interest. I have created an issue for PING and sent email to security separately.

Thanks! (for I18N),



Addison Phillips
Sr. Principal SDE – I18N (Amazon)
Chair I18N WG (W3C)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 15:56:07 UTC