Re: Sending a summary of github issues to this mailing list?

It's very simple to set up and maintain a digest.  These are lists of 
links to GitHub issues where there has been some movement over a set 
period: daily or weekly, as preferred.  Mail list destinations, subject 
lines, etc, can be customised, and issues can be selected for different 
digests using labels on the github issues.  You can also decide what 
types of change to an issue trigger a notification, eg. new issue, 
closed issue, comment added, etc. It's very flexible.

Our i18n setup is a little more complicated that most, since we create a 
single digest that gathers information from many other repos, but the 
following html digest may give a better idea of what it looks like in 
the archive (the mail in your inbox is coloured to improve readability).

Wrt context, that's provided by each github issue page that's pointed to 
(one of the major improvements over dealing with email threads).

Let me know if you need help.


On 10/06/2019 01:06, Martin J. Dürst wrote:
> Hello Charles, others,
> On 2019/06/10 02:11, Charles 'chaals' (McCathie) Nevile wrote:
>> On Sat, 08 Jun 2019 07:42:00 +0200, Sangwhan Moon
>> <> wrote:
>>> I think somewhere in the organization (seen it used by webapps) we
>>> have tools that summarize and send a digest of Github issue updates -
>>> would a format like that be a reasonable path forward?
>> As Larry noted, the automated summary isn't perfect, but I think it's
>> also more useful than he suggests and I would indeed encourage you to
>> get that happening. For someone who only follows the mailing list, it's
>> actually a rpetty good way to decide whether to dig in without getting
>> the full firehose...
> Exactly what I wanted to say, but much better worded!
> As for how this works, various I18N groups have daily mails (if there's
> something going on), see e.g.
> I think it's a
> setup on github, and can be set to daily or weekly. I'm copying Richard
> Ishida, who has experience with such setups.
> Regards,   Martin.
> P.S.: Richard, the idea is that the TAG set up some github notifications
> to this mailing list. I hope you can give some pointers to how to do that.

Received on Monday, 10 June 2019 11:22:06 UTC