RE: TAG election results

Thanks Dan!

I'll be on the call at 11:00 Pacific. (I read somewhere else that this call was at 12:00 Pacific, so I've adjusted my schedule accordingly. Thanks!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Appelquist [] 
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 9:09 AM
To: TAG List
Cc: Tim Berners-Lee; Peter Linss; Ian Jacobs
Subject: Re: TAG election results

Welcome, Travis and Yan and welcome back, Mark and Alex! Expect a rambling email in the coming days with lots of links to reading and additional information. And in the mean time, I hope you can join us for our newly scheduled regular call time of 15:00 Eastern (Zakim Standard Time) starting this Thursday the 15th.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Domenic Denicola, Sergey Konstantinov and Jeni Tennison for their great work over their respective terms. The published findings, drafts and influential specification reviews they’ve authored and contributed towards have helped to make this a very productive and influential time for the TAG. Hopefully we can channel their energy into this new term and we also hope they continue to contribute to our work as TAG members emeritus.


> On 9 Jan 2015, at 18:44, Ian Jacobs <> wrote:
> Tim, Daniel, Peter,
> The W3C Advisory Committee has elected Travis Leithead (Microsoft), 
> Mark Nottingham (Akamai), Alex Russell (Google), and Yan Zhu (Yahoo!). to the TAG. I have announced [1] the TAG election results on the W3C home page and informed the Membership.
> Ian
> [1]

> --
> Ian Jacobs <>

> Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 12 January 2015 18:43:24 UTC