Re: Security, Privacy, and Accessibility self-review Questionnaires.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:

> My first inclination would be to put it as a wiki page on the TAG
> spec-reviews repo <> and evolve it
> there.

I don't think the Wiki is enabled on that repo. And, selfishly, I'd prefer
to use vim to edit the document. :) Perhaps we could stick a Markdown file
in a "draft guidelines" subdirectory?

> YMMV -- especially if these reviews are going to be driven from another
> place.

It's not really clear what, if any, process is going to spring up around
this topic. So, for the moment:

> I do think something informal / easy to interact with is nice (let's face
> it, even in a living-standard model, it's hard to beat a wiki).

I'm fine with informal and easy, but I'd like there to be a path to some
document with a stamp on it that people who care about such stamps can look
at, evaluate, and say "Yes. This document has a stamp, so I will carefully
consider its contents."

For better or worse, Wiki pages are rarely taken seriously by the sorts of
folks who care about stamps.

Mike West <>
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

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Received on Monday, 24 November 2014 09:46:49 UTC