Fwd: W3C URN scheme 'root' doesn't exist?

It strikes me that the TAG might have an opinion, and indeed Ian suggested such...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Singer <singer@apple.com>
> Subject: W3C URN scheme 'root' doesn't exist?
> Date: May 8, 2014 at 16:53:43 PDT
> To: Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
> Cc: Silvia Pfieffer <silviapfeiffer1@gmail.com>
> OK, I know you are the wrong person, but danged if I know who is right.
> I was wondering today if it was possible to use HTML5 ‘kind’ names as DASH ‘roles’ directly.  DASH defines that a ‘role’ is a URN, so that enables multiple organizations to define roles and not collide.
> Holy cow, I find that not only is there no trace of
>    urn:w3c:…some stuff that gets us to…:<kind>
>    where <kind> is a kind from the HTML5 spec.,
> THE W3C DOESN’T EVEN HAVE urn:w3c:… registered at IANA!
> is this really true, the W3C itself has no URN ‘root’?
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml#urn-namespaces-1
> Heck, MPEG, SMPTE, ISO, IETF, 3GPP, GSMA all do.  Why not w3c?  Or am I missing something important (I hope so)?

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 9 May 2014 19:29:37 UTC