RE: WebIDL v1 vs. v2

From: [] On Behalf Of Anne van Kesteren

> Domenic, you make valid points. But they apply even more to something like HTML5, heralded as some achievement and stable reference, but fundamentally a year old fork from HTML with lots of bugs. Or to XMLHttpRequest which some are advocating should still be published without Fetch refactoring. There's a fundamental mismatch in what people think matters.

I of course agree personally, but have no ambitions of getting the TAG as a whole to agree to the larger point.

However, for this particular case, I think the TAG's mission gives us a pretty clear pointer toward what's better for web architecture, especially given the cross-cutting consequences of WebIDL and our work with it. I don't think we necessarily need to come to agreement on the larger issue---and certainly not on specific cases like HTML5 or XHR---before we can weigh in on WebIDL.

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2014 17:22:56 UTC