RE: User interaction events

From: <> on behalf of Anne van Kesteren <>

> (BTW, it seems the pointer events editor is interested in taking this a bit further than I initially thought.)

Which is great, and makes things less immediate.

>From here, I think the TAG and/or you and/or Jacob (the pointer events editor) can help document the general problem area. That way future editors who end up stepping into this area can have a clear-cut outline of the issues involved and the best practices for doing the best they can. E.g., with the promises guidance document, it's helpful to just be able to point people to some section of the document and say "read this" when we see something going wrong.

A similar "dealing with UI events" document could contain guidelines like:

- Use the task-queueing model to ensure a clearly defined order of operations, especially with respect to other specs.
- How to deal with hit testing and the box tree
- ???        

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2014 16:04:16 UTC