Re: DRM, EDE, CDM, W3C and the TAG: Is <object classid="[flash]"...> the relevant precedent?

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Henry S. Thompson <> wrote:
> This parallel does beg the question as to whether the difference
> between the freely-available Adobe and Apple plugins for use with the
> <object> tag, and the presumably restricted-to-customers CDM plugins
> which will be necessary for use with EME changes the overall picture
> in important ways.  Until this question is confronted and addressed,
> I'm not sure the above justification for EME in HTML5 holds up.

>From reading

it seems they are not comparable.

However, even ignoring that such an argument seems unsatisfactory.
Plugins are a real problem for the web as well. E.g. the Nintendo Wii
came out with an inferior version of Flash (and I suppose a deal had
to be made with Adobe for that, I don't know any specifics). That is a
far cry from the web we should be developing. A web whose clients can
be independently implemented from standards written in English
(without the involvement of lawyers).


Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 10:26:47 UTC