Re: Another perspective on URIs

On 5/30/13 5:30 AM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> Further to our discussion at the TAG f2f yesterday, I realise I should
> also have pointed to something I did recently, based on work with Jeni
> Tennison and Jonathan Rees, for presentation at WebSci2013 as a
> 'extended abstract'.  It's an attempt to introduce the same approach
> that Jeni documents much more thoroughly in her draft _URIs in Data
> Primer_ [1]
>   1) very briefly;
>   2) without using _any_ of the hot-button terms such as 'identify',
>      'resource', 'represent...'.
> The slides [2] are an easy quick read.  The 'extended abstract' itself [3]
> is . . . longer.
> ht
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Here are two illustrations [1][2] that should mesh with your document, 
but at this point they don't. They could if you moved the :birthday 
relation to the unamed entity (TBL) and then actual assigned a name to 
the unamed entity e.g., #TBL.

We are making this matter too complex, due to a bottom up rather than 
top down approach to narrative delivery.

URIs are Identifiers. It so happens that when they are of the http: 
scheme variant they can also resolve to documents that enable sensing of 
their meaning via their content. The content in question is processed by 
user agent software that enables projection using the computer's display 
functionality etc..


1. -- the hash approach
2. -- hashless approach.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 15:23:07 UTC