Re: TAG feedback on Web Audio

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Noah Mendelsohn <>wrote:

> Now ask questions like: how many bytes per second will be copied in
> aggressive usage scenarios for your API? Presumably the answer is much
> higher for video than for audio, and likely higher for multichannel audio
> (24 track mixing) than for simpler scenarios.

For this we need concrete, realistic test cases. We need people who are
concerned about copying overhead to identify test cases that they're
willing to draw conclusions from. (I.e., test cases where, if we
demonstrate low overhead, they won't just turn around and say "OK I'll look
for a better testcase" :-).)

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waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w  *

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 21:44:40 UTC