Re: URL work in HTML 5

"\"Martin J. Dürst\"" <>, 2012-10-01 17:34 +0900:

> Yes indeed. Another point is that while the 'official' WDs ([1], [2]) have
> the same date, the editor's drafts
> ( and
> don't have the same dates (26 June 2012 for author-view, 28 September 2012
> for the UI version) even if the author view says "This document is an
> automated redaction of the full HTML5 specification.". Maybe some of this
> automation could be improved?

Speaking as they guy who set up that automation, yeah, probably so. I'll
take a look this week and see if I can get it back to actually being actual
automatic automation again.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Monday, 1 October 2012 08:41:09 UTC