Call for Contributors: TAG's Web App Storage work [Was: Re: TAG Comment on Web Storage]

Hi All,

Off-list, Ashok and I talked about his comments and TAG's Web 
Application Storage work [1]. Ashok would welcome WebApps' participation 
in that work. Thus, for the WebApps group - this is call for contributors.

If you are interested in contributing to this area, please respond to 
this e-mail (off-list responses are fine too).

-Art Barstow


On 11/21/11 2:14 PM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
> On 11/20/11 8:33 PM, ext ashok malhotra wrote:
>> The idea is not to remove APIs.
>> We have several client-side storage facilities that cover different 
>> but overlapping
>> usecases.  Can we step back and look at what we have and come up, 
>> perhaps, with a
>> smaller set of facilities and better coordinated APIs.
> If this is important to the TAG, it seems like you should add that 
> task to the "Web Application Storage" work the TAG intends to do. Agreed?
> -AB
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 12:50:07 UTC