Re: TAG Comment on

On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 18:30:15 -0500, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:

> Yes, if you configure your browser to do so, you'll be assaulted with  
> requests for a "test db" from many Web sites that use common frameworks.
> I don't think that this should count as "use."
> I do think now is precisely the time to be asking this kind of question;  
> these features are NOT yet used at *Web* scale -- they're used by people  
> willing to live on the bleeding edge, and therefore willing to accept  
> risk of change.

A quick search of Google code [1], Github [2][3], and Bitbucket [4][5]  
would indicate otherwise, IMO. For example, the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor  
that is included in every Wordpress installation (currently estimated at  
65,787,814 sites [6]) uses localStorage for auto-saving blog posts (not  
exactly bleeding-edge stuff). TinyMCE also boasts some of the most  
successful and popular sites on the web as users [7]. And that's just one  
single project from the many thousands of open source projects hosted by  
Google Code, Bitbucket or Github.



Mike Taylor
Opera Software

Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 03:28:58 UTC