Fwd: ISSUE: Using @id to set subject in RDFa

Jonathan, Henry,

Bearing in mind previous discussions about the interpretation of fragments in RDFa, I thought you might be interested in the following email which was just posted to the RDFa WG list.


Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: public-rdfa-wg@w3.org
> From: Sebastian Heath <sebastian.heath@gmail.com>
> Subject: ISSUE: Using @id to set subject in RDFa
> Date: 19 November 2011 18:02:24 GMT
> To: RDFa WG <public-rdfa-wg@w3.org>
> Currently, RDFa processors do not take account of @id attributes in
> host-languages. In particular, in (x)html the @id attribute is
> ignored. In (x)html, this creates unnecessary complication in which
> the value in @id needs to be prefixed by '#' and put in an @about
> attribute in order to make semantic markup visible to both html agents
> and rdfa processors.
> Example:
> <p id="item1" typeof="ex:item" about="#item1">
>   <span property="item_name">An interesting item (1)</span>
> </p>
> I suggest that a combination of @typeof and @id cause the subject to
> be set to the fully qualified URL implied by the value @id, according
> to normal URL processing rules defined for HTML and related languages.
> Given a document http://example.org/document1 with appropriate
> @vocab/@prefix definitions, this would lead to the markup
>  <p id="item1" typeof="ex:item">
>   <span property="rdfs:label">An interesting item (1)</span>
> </p>
> producing the triples
> <http://example.org/document1#item1> rdf:type <http://example.org/ns/item> .
> <http://example.org/document1#item1> rdfs:label "An interesting item (1)" .
> The main advantage is the simplicity of using a single construct to
> make semantic data visible to both browsers, DOM aware languages such
> as javascript, and to RDFa processors.
> The restriction that the subject is only set when there is also a
> @typeof will reduce the number of so-called 'junk' triples. But I note
> that RDFa accepts the generation of such triples in other situations
> such as link elements invoking style sheets using @rel.
> It may be that this functionality is best defined for particular host
> languages and not in the RDFa 1.1 core.
> Sebastian Heath.

Jeni Tennison

Received on Saturday, 19 November 2011 20:13:49 UTC