Re: Web browsers should preserve the file system Last-Modified time of downloaded files


Le 4 nov. 2011 à 19:18, Brolin Empey a écrit :
> The Web browser should preserve the file system last modified time by default because this time cannot easily be recovered after it is discarded.

The lastModified date is not always defined, I haven't 
checked for a while but in many cases the server sends 
wrong or undefined dates. So it is not only a question 
of making a "touch" on the file, but dealing with 
specific cases in the code path. 

That makes it less useful, unfortunately. Do you have 
data on the frequency of wrong and right dates on the 


NY Times for the article [1] created on 6 October 2010
returns the following information:

* Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 02:38:53 GMT
* Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT

and no Last-Modified: header, which will trigger different
type of answers for the lastModified DOM (depending on the 


Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2011 02:44:23 UTC