Organizing further TAG work on deep linking

Reviewing the minutes of the TAG's 17 March 2011 call I note [1]:

LM: I feel pretty strongly that we need to take this through broader 
review, by putting it on the REC track... so it gets community review

...followed by discussion that seemed generally sympathetic with that 
approach. Investing in rec track work is a fairly serious commitment for 
the TAG, and the minutes don't quite capture whether there was formal 
consensus to do that.

I personally have no problem at all doing this as rec-track, but my concern 
is that, for the moment, we have nobody committed to pulling something 
together in that form, and no actions assigned that will cause me to 
remember to push us in that direction. So, I worry that this will fall 
through the cracks.

I do see ACTION-541 [2], which is fine as a next step, but if we're serious 
about doing this as rec-track, we either need someone to take an action to 
prepare a FPWD (possibly in steps leading to that), or at very least, 
someone to draft a TAG product page, scoping the effort, clarifying success 
criteria, and clearly indicating that rec-track is the intended path. Is 
anyone willing to step up to doing either of those? If you want to try a 
product page, rough examples can be found using CVS in the directory [3] 
(W3C Team can access the directory through the Web -- other TAG members 
will have to use CVS due to access controls).

Thank you.


[1] file:///C:/Noah/Web/TAG/CVS/WWW/2001/tag/2011/03/17-minutes#item04

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 15:10:46 UTC