Re: Revised HTML/XML Task Force Report

On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 08:28:39 +0200, Larry Masinter <>  
> Maybe I'm asking too much, but I was hoping that the report from a task  
> force set up to work through xml-html convergence issues might give a  
> better idea of how serious the problems with various approaches might  
> be, to help inform decisions. Html pages that cannot be made  
> polyglot..... are they rare? Common? Only happens with pages that also  
> have significant problems in ogher ways?

Is this really where we are at? It seems to me this question was answered  
when the W3C started working on HTML again in 2007. It is great of course  
to rehash old debates over and over until we can argue each other sides  
successfully and whatnot, but it would also be nice if there was a sign of  

(That the web is a mess was shared at for instance. Even people  
trying to do XHTML cannot get it right. This really ought to be common  
knowledge by now.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2011 15:08:01 UTC