Re: ACTION- 541: Jeni to help Dan pull together terminology on Deep Linking

On 3/31/2011 1:51 PM, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>    *cache*: to store a copy of something hosted elsewhere and
>    likewise make it available

I feel like this is missing something along the lines of:

*cache*: to store a copy of something hosted elsewhere and likewise make it 
available. Cached copies are typically created to improve performance or 
availability, and are usually not managed for long-term stability.

I don't love that, but I feel your original definition misses the point of 
a cached copy: it's typically an optimization, and crucially, nothing in 
the system should behave differently if that copy disappears, except for 
perhaps being slower or less able to respond in the face of network partition.


Received on Thursday, 7 April 2011 17:32:29 UTC