Re: has XML, XSLT, XQuery and XML Schema have reached a stable state

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 4:44 AM, T.V Raman <> wrote:
> Language experience over the centuries  teaches that languages
> once having evolved to perfection die. Said differently, Latin
> and Sanskrit are no longer spoken;-)

I am not sure, how spoken languages relate to programming languages
like XML. Programming languages are used in machine computations,
while spoken languages are not.

> Let's  hope the XML family doesn't end up in  a similar state on
> the Web --- though I fear that circumstances may have already
> caused that to happen.

I am not sure, how XML is competing with HTML or XHTML on the web. I
think, HTML still is a leading technology on a web browser. I wish
though, that people use XHTML on the browser, as it's a HTML dialect
and is well-formed (so XHTML is like XML on a web browser). It seems,
web browsers do not comply widely to latest XHTML standards, as they
do for HTML and XML. I do not know, why browser vendors choose to do

Allowing me to write web pages in XHTML, makes it possible to process
XHTML by XML tools (I can transform it with XSLT, process it via
DOM/SAX or whatever).

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Thursday, 29 October 2009 00:50:56 UTC