Re: Last Call: draft-nottingham-site-meta (Defining Well-Known URIs) / ISSUE-36 siteData-36

On Oct 22, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

> When I did my survey last year for possible solutions, the issues  
> raised about OPTIONS were lack of support/understanding in many web  
> environments and hosting services, no caching, and the need to  
> define a syntax for the OPTIONS response in addition to that of the  
> metadata document. Of all these, the difficulty in deployment on  
> both the server and client side (unfortunately) prevents OPTIONS  
> from being used in most web protocols.

Ugh.  If I had an example of what needs doing, I could make
sure it works on Apache.  Most things can be configured like

    SetEnvIf Request_Method OPTIONS do_options_stuff=y
    Header add Link '</favicon.ico>;rel="icon"' env=do_options_stuff

but I'd have to check if OPTIONS has a default handler.

Of course, mod_rewrite can do most anything.

    RewriteRule  ^/  /.well-known/  [L]

as just a guess.


Received on Thursday, 22 October 2009 23:16:38 UTC