[ISSUE 57] Representation-source: a possible new approach to the HTTP Redirection Issue

As I've mentioned privately to a few TAG members the past few weeks, I've 
been spending some time trying to think through the HTTP Redirections 
issue.  I've never been quite comfortable either with our use of 
Information Resources or our suggestion to rely on 303 status codes. 
Anyway, I've been working through that time to pull together some thoughts 
on what might be new approaches, and I've come up with some ideas.  I'm 
not ready to promote these as "the right answers", but even finding out 
why they're not quite right may teach us something about what the problems 
are.  A writeup is linked at [1] and is also attached to this email (same 

I had hoped to come up with something a bit more polished in time to be on 
the official F2F reading list, but I got delayed working on the 
self-describing Web draft.  Stuart:  I do hope that there might be some 
time to sketch these ideas on the whiteboard during our discussion of HTTP 
Redirections, and if anyone has time to give these notes a look before 
than I'd be very grateful for comments.  Again, I don't consider either 
the writeup itself or the ideas to be polished, but I hope that getting 
this out for discussion in rough form now is better than waiting.   For 
the record, this is not a formal W3C Note, a draft of a TAG finding or 
anything like that.  It's just my own musings on this issue.    I hope 
this is of at least some value in moving the discussion along. 


[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2008/02/RepresentationResources.html

Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Saturday, 23 February 2008 23:39:20 UTC