Re: [httpRedirections-57] Resource-Decription Header: a possible proposal to consider.

On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 13:02 +0000, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> I still prefer
>     Link: <foo>;rel=meta
> over
>     Resource-Description: <foo>
> because the Link header seems much easier to explain and lobby for  
> than Resource-Description. “It's just like the <link> element in HTML,  
> but it also works on JPEG files and ZIP archives. The header has been  
> around since HTTP 1.0, but was removed in HTTP 1.1 because in the late  
> 1990s almost no one used it.”
> Resource-Description, on the other hand, is in danger of being  
> dismissed as yet another silly semantic web idea.
> So, why not promote the existing and familiar solution, instead of  
> reinventing this particular wheel?

The Link header is certainly a candidate. The current status AFAIK is
that Mark Nottingham prepared an I-D describing it. I believe that it
has expired [1]

There was some more recent discussion (around [2]) about whether the
link header should be aligned to HTML link types or Atom link types, and
the difficulty was in the conflicting syntax.

What link type would be appropriate? "meta" seems to have the right
semantic but neither HTML 4 [3] or HTML 5 [4] seem to define it. We'd
need it to be stronger than a generic rdfs:seeAlso, but less specific
than rdfs:isDefinedBy. An "isDescribedBy" relation would be preferable
so that needs to be specified and documented somewhere.



Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 15:14:13 UTC