Re: newbie question about sparql and 200

[trimming the leading section to focus on your response]

On Aug 14, 2008, at 6:47 PM, Dan Connolly wrote:
> Well, yes, it's fine for different representations to be
> returned, but combined with the "from URI identifies
> the graph", it leads to conclusions. Consider:
>  select ?P from <http://nytimes.example/stocks> {
>      _:someStock nyse:sym "XOM"; nyse:price ?P }
> Two parties run the query. When p1 sends
> the query to a SPARQL endpoint, which turns
> around a does a GET where the response is
>   200
>   Date: ... 14:00
>   Content-Type: text/turtle
>   <#xom> nyse:sym "XOM"; nyse:price 10.
> If the SPARQL spec said that the from URI identifies the
> graph represented in the response, we would have
>   <http://nytimes.example/stocks>
>    owl:sameAs
>   { <#xom> nyse:sym "XOM"; nyse:price 10. }.

Whoa. You've just jumped from saying that the response to the query  
against the graph, when parsed, gives you the graph itself. Even if  
you said "select * from <http://nytimes.example/stocks>  where {?s ? 
p ?o}" why would you expect this to be the case?


[and trimming what followed]

Received on Friday, 15 August 2008 02:09:36 UTC