Re: Question about the On Linking Alternative Representations TAG Finding

* Karl Dubost [8/1/08 8:54 PM +0900] wrote:
> Le 1 août 2008 à 01:43, Richard Cyganiak a écrit :
>> /resource      (generic information resource with HTML and JSON
>> variants)
>> /resource.html (a HTML specific URI)
>> /resource.json (a JSON specific URI)
> Let me create another example.
> 1. /resource
> 2. /resource.html (sent as text/html)
> 3. /resource.html (sent as text/plain) to view the source code
> 4. /resource.txt  (sent as text/plain) contain the text version
>                                        (not the source code)
> And I request with:  Accept text/plain
> The case 3. is interesting when you want to show the html source
> code a file without having to copy the html file twice and do
> resource.html and resource.html.txt
> In the thread it has been suggested to send what was available,
> the issue is which one resource.html (text/plain) or resource.txt.
> I'm not sure there is an easy choice. For the json/html case it
> seems easier to answer.

These seem obvious to me, following along from my analysis of
yesterday ...

   If I request     with Accept:   I should get
   ==============   ============   ============
   /resource        text/plain     302 #4 VARY

   /resource.html   text/plain     302 #3 VARY

   /resource.txt    text/plain     200 OK #4

Am I missing some nuance from your example, Karl?

Be seeing you,


A: Yes.            
| Q: Are you sure?
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Friday, 1 August 2008 18:02:57 UTC