RE: reference needed - versioned documents

Theres a fundamental discrepancy between what some of the market out there
wants and httpRange-14: I can't sell 303s and a different uri per
representation, because clients want a Uri with no extension ad no redirect.
The only thing i can do is use 300 when conneg is not sufficient to decide
what /user is supposed to be.

I especially fail to understand why a /user couldn't return an IR situated
at /user.html and specified as such in the Content-Location and have the
same meaning as a 303 with a Location? The rule would be that if a resource
is returned with a different Content-Location, the resource in itself is a
resource and the thing described in Content-Location is an IR?

Or have I missed something fundamental?

Sebastien Lambla

Received on Monday, 7 April 2008 11:29:58 UTC