Re: Preferable alternative to 'resource'

>Tim Berners-Lee scripsit:
>>  So, Pat, what would be a better word which we should use instead?   
>>  The class of all  ____ s?  The class of which all classes are 
>>  subclasses is the class of ____ s?
>Subjects, in accordance with the OED's definition 13a: "That which forms,
>or is chosen as, the matter of thought, consideration, or inquiry; a
>topic, theme."  Using "subject" rather than "object" or "thing" allows
>us to talk about the imaginary as well as the real.

Yes, that does avoid a potential problem with 
"thing". And its close to, but not identical to, 
"topic". Just make sure to avoid the grammatical 
implication, is all.


>John Cowan
>         Sound change operates regularly to produce irregularities;
>         analogy operates irregularly to produce regularities.
>                 --E.H. Sturtevant, ca. 1945, probably at Yale

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Received on Thursday, 27 September 2007 20:30:47 UTC