feedback on 2007-05-31/HttpRange-14

I cannot completely understand the background of this document, but if I 
am correct, it seems that it is related to the article I was referring 
to in the other mails on this mailinglist.

"Cool URIs for the Semantic Web"

"URIs are very important as the link between RDF and the web. This 
article presents guidelines for their effective use. We discuss two 
strategies, called 303 URIs and hash URIs. We give pointers to several 
web sites that use these solutions, and briefly discuss why several 
other proposals have problems."

Rhys, we have created some examples in this article that are similar to 
Angela and Stuart, together with concrete URIs and a little example 
ontology, in the article.

Perhaps these examples are useful to you. We also list related work. If 
you want all related work in a nice reference list, get the pdf [1] (or 
I can send you source-bibtex and tex files)

At the moment, the copyright of our article is cc-no-derivs, but I 
assume that the co-authors Richard Cyganiak and Max Völkel would agree 
to change this to cc-by for you, so if you want to copy/paste contents 
from our work, that could be arranged.

I could also ask the co-authors to if they are interested in commenting 
or co-authoring your article (but I don't want to stress you in any way, 
I don't know how TAG works internally)

Leo Sauermann


DI Leo Sauermann 

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer 
Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122
P.O. Box 2080           Fon:   +49 631 20575-116
D-67663 Kaiserslautern  Fax:   +49 631 20575-102
Germany                 Mail:

Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2007 17:28:32 UTC