Re: article on URIs, is this material that can be used by the

>Henry S. Thompson scripsit:
>>  I did say 'to some extent'.  A photograph of a painting of George V
>>  surely depicts George V, and an MP3 of a wax cylinder of a player
>>  piano roll of Rubenstein playing the Hammerklavier is still a
>>  rendering of the Hammerklavier.
>Indeed, I will go further and say that "represent" *is* transitive,
>when properly separated from types of description that are not

What types of description are not representations? Is a musical score 
a representation of music? Is Labanotation a representation of a 
dance? Is a list of driving instructions (turn left, go 15.2 miles, 
turn right,... ) a representation of a route? Is a list of boundary 
points a representation of a building plot? Is a list of convex 
solids encoded using cyclic homology with numerical coordinates for 
vertex points a representation of a 3-d object in a CAD system?

I would say 'none' for the first question and 'yes' for all the others.

>  There is a limitation on the length of transitive
>chains ...

Yes, if "represent" means "copy". But it doesn't, in most of the 
English-speaking world.

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Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 17:54:28 UTC