Near final draft of TAG paper for Enterprise Services Workshop

I've entered all the updates I intend to make prior to submission. 
Experience suggests I do more reliable proofreading in the morning, so 
this won't be proofed until tomorrow AM.  I wanted to get it out so that 
those with an interest in particular changes would have a few hours to 
review them.  So, an unproofed copy is attached. 

Among the changes I've made are:

* WSDL and WADL are now called out explicitly in a bullet in use case 1, 
as well as in the 2nd para of the discussion section

* The suggested readings at the end are now labeled as "references"

* The typos I mentioned earlier are fixed.

* The date in the reference to RFC 3986 is now Jan. 2005

* A paragraph at the bottom of the discussion section discusses the blog 
postings and other writings that David Orchard suggested we mention [1] 

* A few HTML bugs were fixed, so it now checks out as valid HTML 4.01 

I believe this is everything agreed on the call today.  I will respond 
separately to Elliotte Harold, who made a suggestion [2] that I have not 
acted upon.

Please, with just a few hours to go, I'd appreciate it if commentators 
would clearly distinguish suggestions that are fixes to outright errors, 
which I will of course make, from matters of preference or differences of 
perspective, which I will happily read and which will contribute to the 
overall discussion, but which are unlikely to result in changes to the 
submitted draft.  Thank you!



Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Tuesday, 9 January 2007 23:22:45 UTC