Comments on generic resources finding

I found three editorial issues in [1]"

Issue I:

Section 2.1: In the text:

"should these different representations: 
Have distinct URIs?
Have a single URI that delivers the appropriate representation?
If publishing distinct URIs for the resource and its various 
representations, how should the relationship between these URIs be 
expressed in a discoverable, machine-readable form? How should this 
relationship be reflected in the hyperlink structure of the Web? "

The 3rd bullet doesn't parse with the sentence that introduces the list.

Issue II:

Section 4:

"URIs are cheap.create them as needed, publish them to the Web, " 

Issue III:


Spelling of my last name in link to metadata finding is wrong.  The 
correct spelling is "Mendelsohn".



Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Wednesday, 4 October 2006 18:47:15 UTC