Re: Topics for discussion at the June f2f

On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 17:40 +0200, Vincent Quint wrote:
> All,
> The TAG f2f in Amherst is in 1 month now. It's time to start
> preparing an agenda. I'll try to put together a first draft in the
> next few days and I'd welcome your input.
> TAG members, please send me your thoughts. It may be the
> issues from our issues list that are the most important for you,
> or those on which you plan to work soon. It may also be new
> issues that you would like to discuss.

After looking over the list of draft findings
and such, I can see three trends, or focus areas:

 * state and security
 * semantic web architecture
   the "Abstract Component References" and
   "Associating Resources with Namespaces" findings
   seem to be part of this theme perhaps
   "URNs, Namespaces and Registries" too.
 * versioning and extensibility

I suspect that we have bandwidth for only 1 out
of the three on any given telcon and 2 out of
the three for any sustained effort.

I'd like to find a somewhat more narrow scope for the
"The use of Metadata in URIs" and "URI Schemes and Web Protocols"
findings. For the latter, perhaps "when to make a new URI scheme"
and/or "some good and bad experiences with new URI schemes"
discussing DAV:, tel:, mms:, jabber: ... hmm... and very
nearby is "URNs, Namespaces and Registries". Maybe the
doing story-telling around semantic-web architecture would clarify.

Perhaps being customer/audience driven would help...
audiences/customers that come to mind include:

  - the javascript/XML access control task force
  - mobile best practices WG

Hmm... this is sort of a ramble that hasn't really come to 
any conclusion. I think I'll send it anyway...

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 17:05:18 UTC