RDDL as a microformat?


while mulling over the current state of RDDL, which doesn't seem to  
have changed a lot recently (unless I missed something), I wondered  
if instead of XLink or the RDF variants proposed in its stead it  
wouldn't be simpler to just use a microformat. I'm not convinced it's  
a good idea, but I thought I'd dump it here in case anyone would be  
interested. From the RDF extraction point of view it's reasonably  
similar, but from the author's side it's much more friendly than  
XLink attributes that don't have the names of what they do. It also  
makes all the links directly usable by humans, without duplicating  
the metadata (as the RDDL example below does, using the same link  

Instead of:

   <rddl:resource xlink:title="RELAXNG Schema"
     <p>A RelaxNG Schema <a href="foo.rng">foo.rng</a> for FooML</p>

one would use:

  <head profile='http://www.w3.org/2006/04/rddl'>
   <div class='rddl' title='The RelaxNG schema for FooML'>
     If you want to validate
     <a class='purpose' href='http://www.rddl.org/purposes#schema- 
     you can use the
     <a class='nature' href='http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/ 
1.0'>RelaxNG schema</a>
     found at
     <a class='locator' href='foo.rng'>foo.rng</a>

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist
    Expway, http://expway.com/

Received on Monday, 17 April 2006 23:35:21 UTC