Re: Rough text for State finding

On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 02:21:18PM -0400, Mark Baker wrote:
> > We see a prototypical stateful application from the client perspective.
> > The application has 2 states: logged-in and not-logged-in.    This state
> > may be realized by storing state on the client or on the server.
> I suspect you're just referring to what some (myself included) call
> "session state".  I've heard this state called "application state"
> before, but avoid the term because I find it too easy to confuse with
> the state of the application state machine, e.g.  "selected 'from'
> account", "selected 'to' account", "entering amount", etc...

Erm, nevermind.  Those states are also session state.  I should have
referred to resource state, e.g. the bank account balance.  "application
state" is sometimes used to refer to resource state too.

Up for producing a glossary? 1/2 8-)

Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Coactus; Web-inspired integration strategies

Received on Monday, 17 October 2005 18:47:42 UTC