Re: Agenda of 8 November 2005 TAG teleconference

 "This Finding addresses the question of how ancillary information..."

The phrase "ancillary information" as meaning "documentation
(specifications, reference material, tutorials, etc., perhaps
in several formats and several languages), schemas (in any of
several forms), stylesheets, software libraries, applications,
or any other kind of related resource..."

....reminds me of parallel work in the library science community,
possibly tangential to this Draft Finding, especially if the
goal is to describe a model rather than to specify a single

One needs merely to visualize that the "bibliographic record"
or "authority record" is just a view over some attributes of
a digital resource (convenient for description or control),
particularly with respect to the model notions of "works,
expressions, manifestations, and items" and their relationships.

One relevant document is the IFLA "Functional Requirements for
Bibliographic Records" [1]. While the FRBR data modeling
concepts and strategies might not be attractive to everyone
(try ISBD and MARC!), the use cases represented by the FRBR
cover a vast domain of related digital resource access/management
concerns, if not digital content.

Norm's draft looks abstract enough to cover a lot of the
FRBR concerns, but if someone wanted to take a closer look,
it might be worthwhile.  One heuristic would be to think
of the (XML) "namespace" as similar to the (abstract)
bibliographic identifier.

- Robin Cover

[1] Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (Final Report)

(a) Overview
The entities that have been defined for this study represent the
key objects of interest to users of bibliographic data. The entities
have been divided into three groups. The first group comprises the
products of intellectual or artistic endeavour that are named or
described in bibliographic records: work, expression, manifestation,
and item. The second group comprises those entities responsible for
the intellectual or artistic content, the physical production and
dissemination, or the custodianship of such products: person and
corporate body. The third group comprises an additional set of
entities that serve as the subjects of intellectual or artistic
endeavour: concept, object, event, and place.

The entities defined as work (a distinct intellectual or artistic
creation) and expression (the intellectual or artistic realization
of a work) reflect intellectual or artistic content. The entities
defined as manifestation (the physical embodiment of an expression
of a work) and item (a single exemplar of a manifestation), on the
other hand, reflect physical form.

The relationships depicted in the diagram indicate that a work may
be realized through one or more than one expression (hence the
double arrow on the line that links work to expression). An
expression, on the other hand, is the realization of one and only
one work (hence the single arrow on the reverse direction of that
line linking expression to work). An expression may be embodied in
one or more than one manifestation; likewise a manifestation may
embody one or more than one expression. A manifestation, in turn,
may be exemplified by one or more than one item; but an item may
exemplify one and only one manifestation. 

(b) Relationships

 5.1 Bibliographic Relationships in the Context of the Model 
 5.2 Relationships Depicted in the High Level Diagrams 
 5.3 Other Relationships Between Group 1 Entities

Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2005 19:28:01 UTC