Re: Agenda of 28 June 2005 TAG teleconference

On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 19:30 +0200, Vincent Quint wrote:

> Agenda of 28 June 2005 TAG teleconference
>     Nearby: Teleconference details[4] - issues list[5] (handling new
>     issues[6]) - www-tag archive[7] - tag archive[8] - pending actions[9]

> [9]

This one is shown as pending:

"DanC to communicate with Jonathan Marsh regarding TAG opinion on safety
attribute change"

I think that's done:

>        4. schemeProtocols-49[14]
>           Feedback on Noah's draft finding[15]
>        5. namespaceDocument-8[16]
>           Norm has written a Note[17].
>        6. Reviewing a few action items from the f2f :
>              * Dan to write a report on the state of the art
>                authentication in the web. [recorded[18]]
>              * Dan to draft "Dont use passwords in the clear"
>                [recorded[19]]
>              * NM to produce a new draft finding on schemeProtocols-49
>                [recorded[20]]

I wonder why this is listed here rather than under item 4 above.

>              * TBL revise
>      [21]
>                [recorded[22]]

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 27 June 2005 18:24:44 UTC