- From: Newcomer, Eric <Eric.Newcomer@iona.com>
- Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 13:19:40 -0500
- To: "David Hull" <dmh@tibco.com>
- Cc: "Cahill, Conor P" <conor.p.cahill@intel.com>, <noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com>, <public-ws-addressing@w3.org>, <www-tag@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <C7F58A2037A37D4B9212D4F09589B3FA0294DCC6@amereast-ems2.IONAGLOBAL.COM>
David, I'll provide a more detailed reply later, when I have a bit more time. However I do want to point out a fundamental misunderstanding. The MEPs in WS-AT are not "bog standard" request/reply. They are correlated one-ways. The reason for this is that the transaction protocol cannot allow messages to be lost, which can happen using the HTTP request/reply mechanism since it does not support persistent sessions (and for good reason since the resources consumed would negatively impact WAN performance). A communication failure in a 2PC protocol message exchange requires a transaction rollback - something we debated a long time in the OTS V2 committee by the way since CORBA allows transparent retries. And failure includes a lost message. The transactional resource needs to know whether or not to maintain its locks during the time the application is communicating (i.e. while the service request is being processed). If the application loses its communication session the transactional resource needs to be able to roll back as soon as possible so that the resource can process another transaction. The underlying assumption in WS-AT (and other variations of the classic distributed 2PC protocol) is that application level communications are coordinated with transactional operations on data so that the operations on data succeed if and only if the communication session succeeds. Therefore it isn't possible to have ambiguity in the results of MEPs. If there's any communication failure between parties in a distributed transaction the transaction must roll back in order to preserve data integrity. The coordinator is acting on behalf of the application level request to ensure the ACID guarantees are preserved in the distributed case, and (as Don Box and I discovered back in early 2000 when we tried to map SOAP to TIP) you can't do this with plain HTTP requests since there's no mechanism for persistent state management (see also WS-Context). The correlated one-ways in the transaction protocol MEP is necessary because of this, as is the use of WSA. CORBA, J2EE, and proprietary distributed transaction processing mechanisms don't have this problem since they use session-oriented protocols and associate transaction context with the session. If the communication session fails the application level error is therefore clear with respect to what happens to the related operations on data. Another thing important to always keep in mind about transactions is that they are essentially meaningless without operations on data. The protocols can't be understood in the abstract, they have to be understood in relationship to the transactional resources performing the operations on data, which is what is being coordinated here, and why we can't depend on plain HTTP. Eric +1 781 902 8366 fax: +1 781 902 8009 blog: www.iona.com/blogs/newcomer Making Software Work Together (TM) _____ From: David Hull [mailto:dmh@tibco.com] Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 6:08 PM To: Newcomer, Eric Cc: Cahill, Conor P; noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com; public-ws-addressing@w3.org; www-tag@w3.org Subject: Re: TAG requests help with examples of WS-Addressing I've had a look at WS-AtomicTransaction, and frankly, I find Section 9 ("Use of WS-Addressing Headers") fairly puzzling. As far as I can make out, the main dependency on WSA here is that the coordinator and participants need to communicate asynchronously. In particular, the coordinator will inform the participants of key transitions (perhaps through a broadcast mechanism, though I don't see this mentioned), and the participants inform the coordinator of their progress as it happens. Both of these involve one-way messages which don't fit neatly into the request-response paradigm. In short, a nice use case for asynchronous messaging, and EPRs in particular. If I may paraphrase, section 9 basically says 1. CreateCoordinationContext and Register are bog-standard request-response operations. 2. Commit, Rollback etc. are one-way operations. (In the text they "follow the standard 'one way' pattern as defined in WS-Addressing." But WSA doesn't define any such operation beyond saying, non-normatively, that in it "a source sends a message to a destination without any further definition of the interaction" and asserting, that it is the basic interaction pattern from which all others are composed.) 3. Request-response operations MUST use wsa: headers. 4. Request-response acts like the WSA core says it does, except that the rule for a missing [fault endpoint] is not observed (and possibly with other exceptions I missed). 5. Non-terminal notification messages MUST include a wsa:ReplyTo header. 6. Endpoint references must not contain the anonymous address. This is all stated in terms of message headers, and not abstract properties. (e.g. wsa:ReplyTo and not [reply endpoint]). As far as I can tell, items 1 and 2 are unremarkable, the sort of thing WSDL was meant for. Item 3 seems mostly harmless, though needlessly restrictive. Is there any compelling reason why CreateCoordinationContext should have to adhere to WSA rules? As far as I can tell, it's just a request-response, of the sort which has been working just fine for years without WSA. Naturally, if the client wants to do the operation asynchronously (i.e., direct the [reply endpoint] to a callback address), it would be well-served to use WSA, and this is a case where EPRs are getting thrown around anyway. My point, though, is that there is no inherent need to refer to WSA in discussing these operations. They're request-response and that's all that needs to be said. Item 4 is a bit unsettling. Restating the core WSA rules here makes it unclear whether the WS-AT intends to adhere to WSA or deviate from it. As it happens, WS-AT deviates, at least in that it does not follow the rule that a missing [fault endpoint] defaults to the [reply endpoint]. It also seems a bit vague as to which endpoints faulting defaults to instead. One subtle point which may or may not actually matter: in the WS-AT description, [reply endpoint] MUST be present in requests (but there's no mention of what happens if it's missing). In WSA proper, the server is explicitly unconstrained in such a case. Item 5 is interesting. The REQUIRED [reply endpoint] is not to be used for replies, but to identify the sender in case something goes wrong and the coordinator wants to get back in touch. This might be a use case for the (at risk) [source endpoint] addressing property. Another approach would be to define a "retry endpoint" or such. This would emphasize that the purpose of the endpoint is peculiar to WS-AT. The present treatment feels like overloading to me, though I'm not violently against it. Item 6 seems just plain odd. Read literally, it means that you can't use anonymous anywhere, not even in a [reply endpoint]. In other words, you can't do either of the request-response operations synchronously. I doubt this is the intent. The text also uses the term "physical address", which the WSA group has opted specifically not to define. I think what this is really trying to say is that the coordinator's address and the [reply endpoint] included under item 5 should not be anonymous. This seems fine, but it strikes me as a "don't run with scissors" sort of rule. WSA now leaves the meaning of anonymous addresses up to the protocol binding, and the SOAP binding in turn defines anonymous as the response channel in a request-response MEP, and unconstrained otherwise. It's conceivable that, in some particular profile, it would make perfect sense for a participant to include an anonymous [reply endpoint], and the coordinator would know what to do with that. I also note that there is no mention of the "none" address, which presumably would also be considered a sharp object. In short, it seems to me that explicitly mentioning WSA MAPs in a context like this sucks one into consideration of the finer theological points of WSA, and should only be done with caution and given a clear need. I'm not convinced there is very much clear need for the material in this section (or others like it in other specs). By contrast, mention of EPRs outside WSA proper is generally normal, healthy and to be encouraged. Newcomer, Eric wrote: EPRs are also used in the WS-Transactions specifications (under standardization at the WS-TX TC in Oasis). See: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/documents.php?wg_abbrev=ws-tx Several other proposed WS-* specifications depend upon WSA constructs, including the EPR. The point is that even if end users don't see them, they are important for use in SOAP headers for various features. Eric, WS-TX TC co-chair +1 781 902 8366 fax: +1 781 902 8009 blog: www.iona.com/blogs/newcomer Making Software Work Together (TM) -----Original Message----- From: Cahill, Conor P [mailto:conor.p.cahill@intel.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 8:30 AM To: noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com; public-ws-addressing@w3.org Cc: www-tag@w3.org Subject: RE: TAG requests help with examples of WS-Addressing The Liberty Alliance is making heavy use of EPRs both in message headers as well as in our Discovery Service responses (used to describe how to invoke web services). The current draft specifications are available at: https://www.projectliberty.org/resources/specifications.php#box2 An interesting extension that we have done as well is defined a new header for responses (EPRUpdate) to update the EPR that was used to invoke the service (such as redirecting the request to a different endpoint, adding additional reference parameters, etc.) Details on that usage is within the SOAP Bindings specification. I believe this is a good example of a complete system making concrete use of the WS-Addressing specifications. Conor
Received on Saturday, 3 December 2005 18:25:24 UTC