Re: URI Renting Re: minutes: TAG teleconference 2004-09-13 for review

On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, 5:09:03 PM, Karl wrote:

KD> Le 29 sept. 2004, à 09:55, Dan Connolly a écrit :
>> I can explain where I got this information:
>> "you really are owner of your domain, as explained on point 1 of our
>> contract,"
>>  --
>> 1.
>> The Client owns the Domain Name registered. Gandi simply acts on the 
>> Client's
>> behalf. Client acknowledges that Gandi services consist only of 
>> including in
>> the shared Domain Names database ..."
>>  --

KD> ok if I understand correctly:

KD> - Domain name is yours and basically free?
KD> - You pay the service of having your domain name activated.

KD> So if I stop pay the domain name, it should not be owned by another 
KD> entity, just disappear from the database.

I wonder if this is related to the ownership vs renting that some web
hosting companies do. They give you free registration of the domain
name, but they own it (are listed as technical and administrative
contact) which locks you in to their hosting company. Stops you going to
a different hosting provider.

So its a form of ownership.

Regardless, once the name expires if you don't re-register it then
someone else can, so in that way it is more like leasing.

KD> And be blocked to other entity requesting it, which is not the case 
KD> right now. It's why I say we don't own a domain name.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Wednesday, 29 September 2004 15:49:34 UTC