Re: Information resources?

* Sandro Hawke wrote:
>There's not supposed to be anything weird or surprising in WebArch.
>It was supposed to be just writing down stuff that was obvious to
>folks who knew how the Web was supposed to work.

You mean it is considered that things that are obvious to "folks who
knew how the Web was supposed to work" to be neither surprising nor
weird to others? And that all the things "obvious" to these folks are
"principles that should be adhered to by all Web components"?

>Turned out to be less obvious than expected on a few points.  Getting
>it back to obvious is Good Thing.

Do you mean anything weird or surprising should be removed from TAG
deliverables? In that case, how would it be determined what is weird
or surprising?

Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2004 22:07:19 UTC