Re: referendum on httpRange-14 (was RE: "information resource")

At 18:05 27/10/04 -0400, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>I agree that the restriction on URIs in the subject in RDF is a mistake.
>I forgot what happened to that comment process wise.

It was a language extension that we did not feel was justified by the 
charter and/or specific difficulties with RDF as defined.  Generally, it 
was felt to be a Good Thing, but not our place to bless it.

But since, I note that the OWL spec (DL/Lite at least) makes some quite 
severe assumptions about the nature of subject nodes, in relation to 
structures like class restrictions.  I don't know how much work it would 
take to have OWL handle literal subjects in any useful way.


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Thursday, 28 October 2004 12:47:05 UTC