Re: XML Chunk Equality

Elliotte Harold wrote:
> On a side note, I'm not sure what programming language you prefer, but 
> there's a very real issue here in Java to be aware of when writing this 
> finding, or otherwise this will cause 90%+ of Java implementations to 
> get the algorithm exactly backwards.

Yes, they will. That being said, I'd be reluctant to ask the TAG to 
modify the finding to specifically address Java. The best it could do 
would be to say "locales are evil, and the best way of using them is not 
at all".

On the other hand there could be value (from another source) in a 
document clearly spelling out the "don't rely on Java's default locale", 
"always specify which encoding you print to if you don't want to 
magically end up with CP1252", etc.

Robin Berjon

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2004 11:18:03 UTC