Re: referendum on httpRange-14

> Well, I've proposed "Web Resource", which is the subclass of Resources
> which have web accessible representations.
> So, if for a given URI you GET a "200 OK" response, it is a "web =
> resource".
> But what real utility does that provide the user? Why the need for any
> name at all? Or why the need for a subclass of Resource?

Sorry, I missed this amid the spam on my first pass through my mailbox.

The utility is just based on the Ontaria UI design: resources are
viewed through a particular presentation-rule appropriate to the class
of the resource.  Since resources are usually in multiple classes,
they have multiple views, which the user can select on tabs.  It's a
little hard to explain; hopefully it'll be obvious if you play with it
in the next release.

        - sandro

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2004 14:09:16 UTC