RE: [Fwd: RE: "information resource"]

Hello Chris,

> On Friday, October 15, 2004, 12:10:37 PM, Bristol) wrote:
> >> I'm arguing that the dog resource would in Patrick's definition be an
> >> IR because it has a body of information (its
> WSHLB>           ^^^^^^^^^^ This is not Patricks defn!
> >> medical records) but should not be an IR (per Basel def.).
> WSHLB> Patricks defn is: "An "information resource" is a resource which
> WSHLB> constitutes a body of information."
> WSHLB> Deeper in his message [1] he says "Why not simply state that an 
> WSHLB> "information resource" *is* information -- i.e. a body of 
> WSHLB> information???"
> WSHLB> I take him be using the word 'constitutes' in the 
> sense of 'is'.
> If it means "is" in the sense of "is solely" then its the same as the basel
 > definition.

Yes... but it does say what I believe we meant more directly than:

"The distinguishing characteristic of these resources is that all of
their essential characteristics can be conveyed in a message."

That said, personally I can live with either.

That gets us/me back to the two questions I had reduced Patrick's
'counter proposal' [1] to [2]:

Short version
I think that we have two key questions to answer (hopefully at our 
telcon on Monday):

1) Do we accept the first of Patricks suggested change from:
       the set of  resources for which "...all of their essential 
characteristics can be conveyed in a message."
       "An "information resource" is a resource which constitutes a body 
of information."?

2) Do we define an additional term for resources that are web accessible 
(that can be interacted with via an exchange of representations) - 
Patricks proposal being for the term "Web Resource"?

An of course there remain ths 'status-quo' position wrt to the current 
editors draft.



Received on Monday, 18 October 2004 09:39:48 UTC