Re: Draft minutes TAG f2f 6 Oct 2004

On Friday, October 8, 2004, 8:31:38 PM, noah wrote:

nuic> Mostly looks good.  At the very end of the section on noise, redundancy
nuic> and information theory I think I made a comment that the scribe missed. If
nuic> there's no dissent, I'd like it recorded:

nuic> After the existing entry:

nuic> Chris: redundancy helps succesful conveyance of information accurately.
nuic> Hence the need for surrounding context when using a URI to transfer
nuic> information

nuic> Noah:
nuic> True, but I wanted to clarify that I wasn't referring to lossy channels or
nuic> redundancy when I suggested that information theory could help us.  Though
nuic> I'm not expert in Info. Theory, my understanding is that it gives a
nuic> definition of "pure information" (my term, not Shannon's--I don't have his
nuic> writing here=) that is essentially what you are TRYING to communicate
nuic> through the channel.   So, by analogy, we need not have redundancy in a
nuic> temperature value or the words in a poem to say that they are 
nuic> "information".  We may need redundancy to communicate them with some
nuic> predictable probability of success through a noisy channel. HTTP needs
nuic> redundancy on the wire, the info resource definition as information does
nuic> not involve redundancy IMO.

nuic> I've elaborated a bit but I think this was the spirit of my comment. Might
nuic> this be added to the official minutes?  Thank you!

I recall you saying things along these lines and have no objection to
that passage being added to the minutes. It seemed like useful
clarification between information-per-se and the transmission of

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Friday, 8 October 2004 18:41:24 UTC