Re: Alternative Syntaxes and Binaries

Hi Len,

Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
> Not being a TAG or W3C member, I am not sure of the status or 
> propriety of this request.

This is a public list, open to all. If I understand your question (sorry 
for being thick, I think I get the topic but I'm entirely unsure as to 
what sort of answer you're looking for) you are enquiring about the 
current status of TAG issue binaryXML-30, which makes your post very 
much on topic.

>  However, given work going on in the 
> domain of Homeland Security that will use the web architecture, I 
> would like to ask about the relationship of alternative syntaxes and 
> binaries (eg, XML Binary and the work ongoing in the W3C) to the
> recommendation that XML be the preferred syntax. Some clarification
> in this area will be helpful for ongoing planning particularly
> responses to Broad Area Announcements issued from the US Dept of
> Homeland Security.

I believe that the TAG has more or less suspended its work on this 
specific issue while waiting for the output from the XBC WG. The XBC WG 
does not have the mandate to produce a normative answer to the question 
of how binary XML relates to XML 1.x but we will be making suggestions 
on this topic at the end of our work, which is expected in March 2005 
(and we fully expect to be on time). These suggestions will help the TAG 
and/or the XML Activity to take action (at least, we hope they'll help ;).

We have at this point published drafts of two documents, one for Use 
Cases, and the other for Properties:

These aren't final and the internal versions are more advanced. They 
should be republished next month. Notably, the next UC draft will very 
likely feature a new use case about sensor nets which may be of interest 
to you. We will also follow up with documents about Measurement 
Methodologies and a more conclusive one attempting to characterize the 
whole problem.

Please feel free to ask more specific question,

Robin Berjon

Received on Thursday, 16 December 2004 15:15:27 UTC