minutes TAG meeting Nov 2004 in Cambridge, MA, USA for review

For review... due to workload issues, I'm sorta withdrawing
my offer to make nice prose minutes. I ran the IRC log
thru scribe.perl and edited it to the point where I'm reasonably
confident I found all the new and continued actions.
I was hoping this record would be integrated with a revised
issues list, but I haven't managed to do that (this record
does include actions on me to update the issues list, however).

  W3C TAG November 2004 Meeting in Cambridge, MA, USA

  Norman Walsh and Paul Cotton, meeting chairs
  Dan Connolly, Noah Mendelsohn, Chris Lilley, Roy Fielding, scribes
  $Revision: 1.19 $ of $Date: 2004/12/09 18:44:46 $


     1. Tim Berners-Lee (in part) (TBL)
     2. Dan Connolly (DC)
     3. Paul Cotton (PC)
     4. Roy Fielding (RF)
     5. Chris Lilley (CL)
     6. Noah Mendelsohn (NM)
     7. Dave Orchard (DO) (observer; in part; not pictured)
     8. Norm Walsh (NDW)
     9. Stuart Williams (SW) (by videoconference, in part)

Agenda, summary of Actions and Decisions
     1. Convene, take roll, reivew records and agenda
     2. Meeting Planning ACTION CL
     3. Future Directions for WebArch, TAG
     4. AC Meeting Preparation ACTION CL
     5. Tech Plen planning
     6. PR comment: Opera on 4.3 (Separation of Content, Presentation,
        and Interaction)
     7. PR Comment: Nokia on "namespace document" ACTION NDW 
     8. PR comment: Character encoding from Eric Bruchez ACTION CL 
     9. PR comment: When to use XML based format ACTION NDW 
    10. REC planning
    11. WebArch books
    12. Review of current www-tag threads ACTION CL
    13. URIs for litterals
    14. URNs for namespaces
    15. TAG Issues
    16. rdfURIMeaning-39 ACTION DC
    17. RDFinXHTML-35 : Syntax and semantics for embedding RDF in XHTML.
        ACTION NDW, DC
    18. xmlProfiles-29 : When, whither and how to profile W3C
        specifications in the XML Family. 
        RESOLVED: to close XMLProfile-29, withdrawing the request on XML
        Core WG
    19. (day 2)
    20. 5. TAG Issues
    21. 2.2.1 Media-Types Issues RFC3023Charset-21 ACTION CL 
    22. 2.2.1 Media-Types Issues putMediaType-38 ACTION CL 
    23. mediaTypeManagement-45 , 2.2.1 Media-Types Issues ACTION CL, SW 
    24. 2.2.2 URI and Fragment Issues: httpRange-14 ACTION DC
    25. IRIEverywhere-27 ACTION RF 
    26. fragmentInXML-28 ACTION CL 
    27. metadataInURI-31 ACTION SW 
    28. siteData-36
    29. xlinkScope-23
    30. XMLVersioning-41 ACTION PC, DC, NM 
    31. abstractComponentRefs-37
    32. DerivedResources-43 ACTION CL
    33. Thanks to the host, adjournment

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Thursday, 9 December 2004 18:54:25 UTC