FW: [xml-dev] repercussions

I though the TAG would be interested in one stakeholders perspective on the
utility of a particular TAG finding.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Salz [mailto:rsalz@datapower.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 5:12 AM
To: Simon St.Laurent
Cc: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] repercussions

> It's good to confirm that issues derided as mere aesthetic blotches are
> capable of causing real problems for sophisticated tools - and users.

We just went through a fairly contentious telecon for WS-Security that
decided to remove all QNAME's from the WSSE spec, replacing them with
URI's.  The usual arguments against them took place; the main counter-
balance against removing them was (unstated) installed base.  BTW, the
recent TAG finding was taken as a strong argument against QNAME's in

Rich Salz                  Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology       http://www.datapower.com
XS40 XML Security Gateway  http://www.datapower.com/products/xs40.html
XML Security Overview      http://www.datapower.com/xmldev/xmlsecurity.html

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Received on Saturday, 20 December 2003 15:10:26 UTC