Arch Doc: 5 December 2003 Editor's Draft


The 5 December 2003 Editor's Draft of "Architecture of
the World Wide Web" is now available at:

This draft includes changes based on discussion at the
TAG's 4 December teleconf and a review by Stuart Williams.

I'd like to draw the TAG's attention to the following changes:

 - 1.2.2 Extensibility. The included text has the support of
   TBL and NW (to the best of my understanding, although network
   outages today made communication difficult).

 - 2.4 URI Schemes. Removed the https example.

 - 2.6 Identifiers / 3.3.1. Removed "formal" description from 
   2.6 and added more description to 3.3.1. I believe this text
   has support from NW. 

Complete list of changes:

HTML diff:

Thank you,

 _ Ian
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Saturday, 6 December 2003 00:08:13 UTC