Arch Doc: 3 Decenber 2003 Editor's Draft


The 3 December 2003 Editor's Draft of "Architecture of
the World Wide Web" is now available at:

This draft includes changes based on discussion at the
TAG's 1 December teleconf, review by Tim Bray, editorial
review by myself, and discussion with Stuart Williams (though
he has not seen the final results) about section 4.5.5.

Also, Chris Lilley and I briefly discussed the inclusion of
Tim Bray's image in section 1. We would like to get feedback
from people on it, and if people like it, we'll make an SVG

Complete list of changes:

HTML diff:

I would note that this is the first draft without any Editor's
Notes in it. The TAG has not Yes) rewritten the Abstract, site of 
the last Editor's Note.

Thank you,

 _ Ian
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2003 14:38:45 UTC