Re: Grinding to a halt on Issue 27.

On Wednesday, April 30, 2003, 10:13:14 PM, Joshua wrote:

>> > Two different divisions in the same company may use what they
JA> *think* is
>> > the same namespace for their documents (and when they click on the
>> > namespace name it sure enough connects them to the right place, so
JA> how
>> > are they to know differently?).
>> If they share schemas and schema-validate the schema will tell them
>> differently. If they don't schema-validate then they are liable to run

JA> True; if they happen to use the same schema *and* the same
JA> schema-validation tools, and they do make sure that the schema is
JA> associated with a namespace name explicitly (not always the case), then
JA> they ought to be bug-compatible, yes.

That's a pretty jaundiced rewrite of what Robin said.

If they use the same schema and they use compliant validation tools,
what what he said and is correct. Different schemas say the same thing
only if someone asserts that they do. Zero need to bring in 'bug for
bug' into the discussion, that I can see.

The fact that people can write schemas for an anonymous namespace is
true, but orthogonal to whether IRI helps of hinders there; its
exactly the same as for URI.

As for 'connects to the right place' well I could write a proxy real
easy that connects all microsoft schemas to one document; or
alternatively, gives you a different document every second friday.
Unless the user is checking the trail of redirects, what they get does
not necessarily relate to what the namespace URI is. But thats OK,
because namespace resolution need not involve dereferencing.


Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2003 16:34:29 UTC