Re: [xmlProfiles-29] xml subsetting in IETF XMPP

Tim Bray wrote:

> I don't.  Let's call a spade a spade.  SOAP/XMLPP have created an 
> incompatible subset of XML such that general-purpose XML generators 
> cannot reliably be used to generate their messages, and general-purpose 
> XML procedssors cannot reliably be used to receive them.  It looks like 
> a subset, walks like a subset, quacks like a subset.


  What is the issue to receive such subset ? I've been writing 
jabber/xmpp software with a very compliant toolkit (libxml2) and only 
had issues when it cames to generate messages - some unusual care must 
be taken, since the "reference" implementation of the server was not 
namespace compliant :-(

Fabrice Desré
France Télécom R&D/DTL/TAL
Tél: +(33) (0)2 96 05 31 43
Fax: +(33) (0)2 96 05 39 45

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2003 02:10:09 UTC